73% of Teens in USA use Facebook

Facebook is celebrating its 10th anniversary as usage among all age group remains strong.

According to the Pew Research, 57% of all adults and 73% of those ages 12 to 17 in the United States use Facebook with 64% of Facebook users visit the site on a daily basis, up from 51% of users in 2010.


Pew’s study among 1,800 adults age 18 and older, reveals the pattern users are accessing the site.

Both men and women are equally likely to use the site to receive updates, comments and get feedback about posted content. However females are more likely interested in seeing pictures and videos, sharing with many people.

There are few things which are annoying people on Facebook and over-sharing of information is certainly one of them where people are posting information or pictures about them without permission.

In general life where not many people have more than 10 or 20 friends but on Facebook it’s different as about half of adult Facebook users have more than 200 friends in their network. Younger users tend to have more friends even more than 500 while 72% of users over age 65 have 100 friends or fewer.

Although more than 40% of Facebook users Like and comment on posts each day but only 10% of users update their own statuses on a daily basis.
A mere 4% said they update their statuses more than once a day.