About: Journalism News Network (JNN)
Journalism News Network was launched in April 2013 to provide an alternate perspective to the mainstream media and to help fellow journalists by developing journalist networks.
Each submission is reviewed by an editor and open to the scrutiny of the people who bring in a rare diversity of views on a single issue.
Journalism News Network has been the must-read site for journalists & other professionals since its launch.

It continues to provide an independent voice for citizens and journalists and endeavors to be the must-read title for anyone seriously interested in journalism.
We remain committed to our mission of offering a bold perspective through our news analysis and we will do so with a firm focus.
We aspire to become the voice of the working and middle class by becoming their platform of choice for expressing their hopes and aspirations.
We will continuously innovate to connect with you through digital formats to emerge as UK & India’s top Digital Platform for bold views & commentary.
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