Summary: AT &T U-verse server is hosting website www.ezinepost.com which is infringing on copyrights owned by subodhgupta.com and subodhgupta.co.uk and despite several requests to both ezinepost.com and also AT &T abuse depart no action has been taken and email to CEO to Randall Stephenson met with silence.
Following is a case where a large organization such as AT & T is hosting spam website such as ezinepost.com on its server which is openly infringing copyrights owned by other websites and despite repeated request and DMCA notice to AT & T abuse department and email to CEO Randall and media relations personal Fletcher Cook no action has been taken place.
The example of unauthorized and infringing copy (11 articles) can be found at AT &T server on the ezinepost.com website at the following URL:
The list of all the infringing articles related to subodhgupa.com, subodhgupta.co.uk, seo-training.in at :
The owner of the site ezinepost.com, Mr. Hassan Sayed has been contacted repeatedly over the period of one month through his website contact us page form and personal email Hassan@hassan.us but with no results.
@ATT following URL contains articles which r infringing my copyrights & r hosted on ur server https://t.co/9OHOqDcVue ur CEO take no action
— Journalism News Ntwk (@jnewsnetwork) September 10, 2016
The original ARTICLE, to which we own the exclusive copyrights, can be found at sites: subodhgupta.com, subodhgupta.co.uk & seo-training.in and also linked from copied articles at ezinepost.com urls.
By not removing copyright material from spam websites which are infringing rights, AT & T is helping spam sites such as ezinepost.com
The law requires the service provider, to remove or disable access to the infringing materials upon receiving DMCA notice. Will the CEO Randall Stephenson take action to remove infringing material from their server instead of keeping silent?
@ATT your server hosting website https://t.co/6GsBgmSIlm which is infringing copyrights owned by various websites but CEO Randall silent !
— Journalism News Ntwk (@jnewsnetwork) September 10, 2016
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