Hacks/Hackers Connect event for journalist in London

Hacks/Hackers Connect event for journalist and media entrepreneurs begin at Rainmaking Loft in London on February 5, 2016. More than 100 people attended the opening session. The event is organised by Joanna G from Twitter news; Sarah M, from Wall Street Journal; Cassie W. from Quarts; Federica C. from Newspaper world; Peter M, founder of … Read more

Angela Merkel Asylum blunder to cost Germany €50 billion

According to the Cologne Institute for Economic Research, asylum-seekers may cost Germany around €50 billion ($76bn) by the end of next year.   Shelter, welfare, and integration policies will cost €22bn this year and a further €27.6bn next year. However, Dr. Merkel disregarded people concerns over rising crime rate and refused to set a cap … Read more

Tech firms killing UK IT workforce by relax visa rules

UK has become the extremely competitive job market in the recent years, where for the each IT related job often more than 50 applicants are applying. For example, the following screenshot reflects that for a position.NET C#Developer-Asp.net/MVC/Agile-TDD,BDD/Ecommerce role more than 76 applicants applied.   Similarly, another example for the role of Senior Online Product Manager … Read more

Port of Calais closed down because of migrants invasion

(Breaking News) The port of Calais have been closed down after around 50 migrants invaded the a ship, the city’s mayor Natacha Bouchart has said. #France #Update: Around 2000 migrants enter #Calais port. 60 occupying ferry after peaceful demo. pic.twitter.com/XnsWlJbfSZ Video @Phil_Caller — José Miguel Sardo (@jmsardo) January 23, 2016   Around 50 migrants in Calais … Read more

EU at risk because of Migrants Crisis-Manuel Valls

Europe’s migration crisis is putting the EU at risk warns French Prime Minister Manuel Valls. The tens of thousands of migrants who continue pouring into Europe threaten the idea of a unified continent, especially when it comes to the passport-free Schengen zone, he added. Speaking to the BBC at Davos, Mr Valls said that if … Read more

Refugees sue German government for long asylum process

Refugees in Germany are suing Dr Merkel’s government, because of the long time taken to process their asylum applications. More than 200 migrants in North Rhine-Westphalia have launched a lawsuit because they have been waiting over a year for a decision if they can stay in Germany. Interior minister Thomas de Maiziere admitted the new … Read more

TRAI Slams Facebook over its Free basics plan

India’s telecom regulator has criticised Facebook over its letter writing campaign tactics to support Free Basics internet plan in India. Free Basics plan lets people access Facebook and some other websites without any charge. According to the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI), the Facebook method of prompting people to support the plan was “crudely majoritarian … Read more