India’s top private sector lender ICICI Bank’s chief Chanda Kochhar has said Indian banks must aspire to scale up their activities significantly to join top global league.
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A number of Chinese banks have made it to the world’s top banking league, but Indian banks are still not there.
However question is with track record of mismanaging and harassing thousands of ordinary pensioners can Indian Bank think of that?
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India did seems to have got independence 68 years ago and since than successive government came and went but it seems even after independence nothing has changed for the ordinary pensioner whose life is full of harassment.
All the pensioners wants is their Pension/DA on time, is it too much to ask for?
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Following example explains the mismanagement and carelessness in the Indian Government Central Bank of India where a pensioner /retiree (2004) V. K. Gupta PPO No.-4234 whose Pension was held up at least 10 times (for several months each time without any valid reason)during the last 9 years, whose Pension Arrears as per sixth pay commission still held up for 7 months (Even after informing to the CMD) and when he raised his voice against Central Bank of India mismanagement,bank officials deducted extra tax on imaginary pension amount which was n’t received in the first place.
As per the Indian law even government of India can’t stop the pension of a retiree but Central Bank of India officials have demonstrated again and again with total disregard to the Government of India initiative.
Only in India, Indian bank officials can continue to mismanage while harassing ordinary citizens.
@jnewsnetwork Central bank of India harassing pensioners @narendramodi , @ArvindKejriwal, @livemint, @centralbank_in pic.twitter.com/SiXw0yvdNP
— Journalism.net.in (@jnewsnetwork) May 18, 2015
Perhaps Ms Kochhar should advise her CMD counterparts that before thinking of joining global league, Indian banks should put their house in order otherwise they may become the laughing stock at the international stage.