On the 4th of Feb 2019, a two and a half hour workshop on the survival guide (tips) for the Cannes Film Festival 2019 for the filmmakers, actors, journalists, tourists, etc was organized by the Raindance Film Festival in London.

The workshop was facilitated by David Martinex, Raindance Festival Producer, and Rory O Donnell.
I had been to Cannes before though not at the time of the festival, nevertheless I think that the workshop was useful, especially for the new filmmakers or actors or producers who are visiting the Cannes film festival for the first time.
David and Rory had been to Cannes before many time during the time of festival and shared their informative experience with the filmmakers. Many questions related to the Cannes Film Festival access, accreditation, submission, and accommodation were discussed.
Some of the highlights of the workshops which can be useful for the new filmmakers:
(1) Submitting short film to the Short Film Corner at Cannes is the easiest way to get accreditation at the Cannes Festival and also a sense of achievement that their film is screened at Cannes, as almost all short films are accepted at short film corner for a certain fee, however actually a BIG However, screening film at Short Film Corner is not the same as screening at the official Cannes Film Fest because as the name suggests it is a corner and on average number of audience who see your film at short film corner is only around 7 and that’s it.
(2) There is a different kind of accreditations system at the Cannes fest. The higher the level of accreditation, the more invitation to the various event and parties are open. The most expensive one is the Market Batch/Pass by which you can have access to Producer Corner.
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(3)Accreditation process at the Cannes Film Festival can easily take around 2 weeks so it is important to apply asap because of the prices for air tickets as well as accommodation reach sky high nearer the festival time so it makes sense to apply for accreditation now!
(4)Use Uber and not the local taxi for the safety point of view. David shared his unpleasant experience where he got into an uncomfortable situation while going through local taxi in Cannes.
(5)Raindance Film Festival also have their presence at the Cannes Film Festival and they also organize the tour.
(6) You will receive your login details and you can submit your wish to watch the films, however, If you manage to get tickets to the film screening than you must attend that otherwise, their computer system penalizes you for that.
(7)The best time to collect your accreditation pass at the Cannes Film festival is in the morning as there is a very small queue otherwise it is totally packed.
(8) As a tourist visiting Cannes during fest doesn’t make sense because almost in every event accreditation is a must.
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(9) Many countries have their pavilion during the festival where one can mingle or network from filmmakers from your countries and may get some light refreshment too during the evening. American pavilion is the only one which charges from the audience.
(10) While walking on the red carpet, high heels for ladies and bow toe for gents is a must.
(11) There is some facility of cloakroom in Palais.
(12)You may consider going by train from London to Cannes if your luggage is big as by air it may be costly.

(13)There are important guides such as Hollywood Reporters which have info about the events and some other official guides which are available during the fest in goodies bag and also PDF which has more info about the people who are attending the event.
The workshop was quite informative and the above highlights are just some of them. I would suggest if you are going to Cannes Film Fest for the first time you may consider attending the Raindance Film Festival workshop in London.