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Summary: Government of India is asking banks to stop harassing pensioners but Central Bank of India officials are not following banking or Govt guidelines,holding pensions up to 8 months unlawfully, hiding information and evading replying and instead of addressing people concern they are punishing them with deducting higher amount of income tax in an autocratic manner.
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Following is a case of retiree (2004) V. K. Gupta PPO No.-4234 whose Pension Arrears were withheld for 6 months and still not corrected, Pension was held up many times for years even up to 8 months without any valid reason and (around 3 times) income tax deducted on imaginary pension which wasn’t received despite senior most bank officials are informed about it.
(1) Central bank withheld the Pension Arrears for 6 months and grossly under-calculated it and when mistakes highlighted instead of correcting bank is hiding information on how they grossly under-calculated and senior bank officials are keeping silence?
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(2) Not stating in passbook what is the exact pension received in 2014-15 and why frequent heldup of pensions many times and up to 8 months delay and why keeping silence & evading replies?
(3) Bareilly Central Bank of India (CBI) branch has deducted more than 3 times the Income tax 1.78 lac for the year 2014-15 on the (IMAGINARY)
pension amount NOT received by the retiree just because he raised the issue of malpractice at CBI. Central Bank of India officials even the senior most one’s are now evading answering?

Now even the senior most officials in Central Bank of India, Sh. Rajeev Rishi, CMD chose not to reply when many emails were sent to them as why his Bareilly bank officials are not following the CBI bank policy.
As per law even government of India can’t stop the pension of a retiree but CBI officials have demonstrated again and again with total disregard to the Government of India initiative that not only they can easily stop pension up to 8 months but can also deduct higher income tax in an autocratic manner if anyone raises voice.
Should old pensioners suffer by the bank’s callous and irresponsible behaviour despite government of India initiative that pensioners shouldn’t be harassed?
Shouldn’t Central Bank of India reply why they deduct tax on “imaginary” amount in the first place and return the additional amount.
Shouldn’t the senior CBI officials take action to address the problems of senior citizens instead of keeping silence?
If problems of harassment can’t be solved even after informing to the chairman and managing director Shri Rajeev Rishi Ji for more than 6 months than what about the frustrations of other pensioners/bank customers?
@narendramodi, @centralbank_in Central Bank of India (Bareilly) withholding pension & CMD Shri.Rajeev Rishi silent http://t.co/DDvwHVIy8q
— Journalism.net.in (@jnewsnetwork) April 28, 2015
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