Corporate newsrooms fail to deliver journalists need

Despite corporate organizations spending considerable amount of money on corporate communication, it seems that job is not done in an optimal way by the PR practitioners. Journalist simply want from PR practitioners the news content which provides value to their readers along with images and videos.

Corporate Business

According to a Proactive Report survey by Sally Falkow, around 83 percent of journalists regard images with content as important, but only 38 percent of PR professionals
add images to news content.

Falkow says many corporate newsrooms are failing to provide content and links that journalists “are looking for, and things they think are important, and things that make their jobs easier for them, and that they would, therefore, use that content more readily.”

The report emphasizes that the PR industry hasn’t done enough to adapt to a new, images and video based environment.

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The survey shows: Only 39 percent of all companies offer an image gallery, while 49 percent failed to meet the quality of images.

Even though around 53 percent of journalists said the video is important with news content, still only 13 percent of PR pros are adding videos with their news content.  Although 82 percent of journalists ask for the video to be delivered via embed codes, only 37 percent of online newsrooms offer these.

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