Dr. MARTHA HART best-selling author & award-winning filmmaker & a producer who is also the founder of the Owen Hart Foundation will be AFA 2017 goodwill ambassador which will be held in Monaco from 4th till 7th December 17.
Martha has made great charitable contributions through Owen Hart Foundation and was named Individual Philanthropist of the Year in 2004 by the AFP.
Speaking on this occasion Dr. Martha said, “I am so honored to be chosen as this year’s Goodwill Ambassador for the Angel Film Awards – Monaco International Film Festival on their 15th Anniversary. It is so nice that MIFF picked a Canadian, especially since it’s Canada’s 150th Anniversary this year. MIFF is the ONLY film festival in the world that promotes Non-Violent Film, and in a world where gun violence and terrorism is commonplace, MIFF founders Rosana Golden and Dean Bentley should be highly commended for sending such an important message. MIFF’s message also aligns with The Owen Hart Foundation’s goal of promoting global kindness and Canada’s mission in the world – to be the ultimate peacekeepers”.
This year’s theme for the Angel Film Awards – Monaco International film festival is about loneliness, family values, love, suspense and WW2 true events and how to overcome, followed by lucid dreams.
Celebrities are lining up for this year Monaco International film festival including 2017 jury president Guy Siner (British & International) actor; The AFA host and jury member, Italian actress Antonella Salvucci and French actress Eliza Calmat;

Martha Hart is the founder and director of The Owen Hart Foundation, which she established in memory of her late husband Owen Hart shortly after his death in May 1999.
The Owen Hart Foundation also supports a number of other worthwhile charities in the Calgary community. Every year, as a tribute to Owen Hart, Martha hosts a high-profile fundraising event for the Owen Hart Foundation.
The Angel Film Awards – Monaco is a non-profit event. The festival celebrates peace, love, harmony, positive energy, and the art of making movies!
In the year 2000, Martha Hart announced the opening of the Owen Hart Foundation; a Charity for helping children who are in financial need by providing university/college scholarships, as well as housing for low-income families.
In 2017 for Canada’s 150 Birthday The Owen Hart Foundation also honored a Canadian artist Sarah McLachlan to the stage. Martha Hart work is really commendable for helping people in need, especially in the area of education.