According to honorable conservative minister Chris Grayling, “Remaining within the European Union under the UK’s current membership terms would be “disastrous”, “The EU was heading towards closer integration – a path the UK “will not and should not follow”.
This seems the first sign of an honorable cabinet minister preparing to campaign to leave the EU in the UK’s referendum if PM demands are not met.
David Cameron announced last week that he is to allow ministers to campaign for either side of the debate but only once his renegotiation with Brussels is complete.
Although Mr. Grayling, the leader of the House of Commons stopped short of saying Britain should leave the EU in his article in the Telegraph – it is apparent that he is ready to lead the campaign for an exit if he is not satisfied with Mr. Cameron’s renegotiation deal with the EU.
A referendum in the UK must be held whether to stay in the EU or leave before the end of 2017 but Mr. Cameron is expected to hold it this year if he can secure a deal on his reform demands. In the UK representatives from various political parties have come together and a Cross party EU-exit campaign “Grassroots Out” is launched.
Barack Obama is also expected to visit the UK in the coming months and will call on Britain to remain in the EU. Mr. Grayling is the first member of the Cabinet to openly suggest that Britain should vote to leave the EU if Brussels refuses to submit to the reforms being demanded by the Prime Minister.
The European Union (EU) is heading towards economic decline and anarchy with open borders and politicians such as Dr. Merkel don’t seem to have a clue what is happening. For example, more than 600 assault took place on women on new year in Germany but the European politician are still in denial.
It seems that finally there is one honorable politician who is listening to the UK’s people’s concern on the EU and especially immigration because, under the EU, freedom of people movement is non-negotiable.