German transport minister Alexander Dobrindt criticised Angela Merkel and in a direct challenge to her migrants policy, said that Germany must be ready to prepare a plan B against the mass arrival of migrants and be ready to close its border.

Dobrindt statement was most open criticism of Dr Merkel policy from her own coalition government partner so far.
“We need a quick change in the situation,” He said in an interview published in the Muenchner Merkur daily.
“It is not enough to show the world a friendly face,” he added, referring to an expression used by Angela Merkel to justify her policy of welcoming all Syrian refugees to Germany.
Alexander Dobrindt is from the CSU, the Bavarian sister party of Merkel’s Christian democrat CDU, which has been critical of the chancellor’s policy from the beginning.
Media and German citizens equally started criticizing Merkel migrants policy especially after the mass sexual assault on Women in Cologne on NYE.
The sexual attack on women has not stopped since then. There has been sex assault in other European cities such as Helsinki, Austria, etc.
Recently Transgender women were stoned by a gang of African migrants in Germany. Bornheim leisure centre in Germany has banned all male refugees after the sex assault on teenager girls in the swimming pool. All these incident started doubting Merkel statement “we can manage it”.
Dr Merkel invited refugees in Germany with her own ideas without any consultations with any EU member country but now wants to distribute them other European countries, however, just 322 refugees out of 160,000 quotas have been relocated putting a big doubt over Merkel’s ideas on how to face the crisis at EU level.
According to INSA poll in Germany, support for Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservative bloc fell 2.5 percentage points to 32.5 percent, its lowest level since the 2013 election.
However despite massive sexual assault in Germany and other European cities, Merkel has still resisted the calls to cap the number of migrants coming to Germany. In addition to German transport minister Alexander Dobrindt, Polish Prime minister Beata Szydlo has also expressed her concerns about illegal immigration to Poland, especially after Paris attack.