Google now helping in copyright protection

With over 1 trillion unique URLs on the web, the entire range of useful content is available on the internet, however with this growth, there have been growing number of issues relating to infringing content.
Google over the time is improving its procedures and working to develop new ways to better address the issue.
So far you had two choices if your online content being stolen. Either letting it go or deal with the cumbersome task of filling out a DMCA infringement
notice. Those who are falsely accused of copyright violations also have to deal with time-consuming counter-notice.
Now Google has announced four major changes
that will be implemented over the next several months to make these time-consuming process faster:
Important changes Google will be making include:
* Action on reliable copyright takedown requests within 24 hours.
* Preventing terms that are “closely associated with piracy” from appearing in autocomplete.
* Improving AdSense anti-piracy review.
* Experimenting with authorized preview content easily accessible in the search results.
Isa Sonnenfeld Google Cardboard VR demo at Hacks/Hackers London