Love, Actually, It’s AI: Japan’s New Dating Craze

Love is taking a new shape in Japan. AI dating app called “Loverse” is letting people “marry” AI bots! That’s right, you can now say “I do” to a computer program.

The app is super popular, with over 5,000 people already using it. Why? Well, some folks find it easier to talk to a bot. No awkward silences, no worries about what to say. Plus, AI bots are always there for you, no matter what.

But wait, there’s more! The app lets you design your perfect partner. Want a bot who loves to cook? Or maybe one who’s a great listener? You can make it happen.

While it sounds like something from a sci-fi movie, this trend is raising questions.

Some people worry that relying too much on AI for companionship might make it harder to connect with real people. But for now, it seems like love in the digital age is here to stay.

In fact, we published a video story on YouTube where a woman named NAZ set to marry AI Chat bot Marcellus

There are over 5,000 users of Loverse, a year-old app that allows interaction with generative AI bots.

Data from the Japanese government show two-thirds of men in their 20s don’t have a partner and 40% have never gone on a date. The figures for women in the same age group are 51% and 25%, respectively.

Loverse is the latest in a long line of digital solutions to Japan’s loneliness crisis but Loverse creator Goki Kusunoki says the app is meant to offer an alternative rather than a substitute for real-life companionship.

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