The Indian High Commission in the UK and The UK India Business Council organized an insightful seminar on the opportunities being created through the Indian Government’s ‘Make in India’ initiative.

The areas of potential collaboration between the UK and India were highlighted during the recent visit of the Indian Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi, to the UK.
The UK has a multiplicity of strengths across sectors and is well placed to engage with the ‘Make in India’ initiative.
Dr. Virander Paul, Deputy high commissioner of India to the UK highlighted that
“Fundamentals of Indian economy remain strong and Make in India is very popular brand now. Make in India is not a single stand-alone initiative but many additional projects such as Digital India, Industrial corridor also along with it. These initiatives are all interconnected and feed into each other”.
Dr. Paul added another development is that Indian individuals states are coming to the UK to collaborate and competing with each other. Already 4 states have come so far such as Rajasthan, West Bengal, Odisha and Andhra Pradesh.
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On some of the concerns such as more talk and little results, Dr. Paul explained that is short sighted view. He added during last 15 months alone FDI in India has increased by 29%. India is a big country and it may take some time before results show up.
Dr. Virander Paul finally summed up his thought saying India has come a long way from Red Tape to Red Carpet.
First Secretary, T Ajungla Jamir presented Make in India presentation, the idea of 100 smart city project in India with minimum pollution and max recycling.
Steve Kilvington, Director BAE Systems(British multinational in defence equipment) presented case study and his experience of doing business in India.
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Philip Bouverat, Director, JCB also shared how JCB has grown over the years in India during the last 35 years. JCB approach to CSR in India.
Philip emphasised that “We believe India is a place to be, a great Hub and manufacturing in India make sense to service all the Asian countries and also the African countries through Mumbai port.” He added, Indian factories has high level of automation, technology than our plant in Derby. It is expected nowadays that Made in India products are high quality although that may not be the case 10 years ago.
Christoph Wiesner, CEO, TWI shared TWI history how they started 70 years ago in Cambridge and how they are operating in India and provide expert advice and training at all stages of Industrial cycle.
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Finally, Richard Heald, summarise the role of UKIBC. UK India Business Council supports companies and govt to help doing business in India.We are providing services to 120 companies in India.
Some of the question asked by British businesses were, ” How Indian Govt helps in protecting IPR”, Transfer Pricing issue, etc.
DR Paul explained, Indian Govt do protect IPR and also fasten the process to resolve the IPR issues now.
Audiences appreciated the seminar and discussion.
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Reshma IIIouz, MBA, working in Oil and Gas sector said, Nice introduction about India business scenario and business opportunities in India.
Ashis R Choudhury, Consultant(CLA) based in London shared his experience that it is more difficult to close business in India than open up. India needs to improve in infrastructure.
He added, bigger organization get preference when it comes to do business in India. Smaller and medium organizations like us would also like to contribute but we are being ignored. He praised the role of India’s deputy high commissioner in the UK Dr. Paul stating after Dr Paul arrival things have changed for the better in the Uk for the Indian diaspora and businesses who wants to open business in India.
Rajeev Mavin Kurve from Choomantra said “it was encouraging to see this seminar about business between India and the UK and it is heartening to see that India is being taken seriously in the world now”.

Hitesh Karia from Gentle care said, it is encouraging that HCI has engaged with business and Indian diaspora and Dr. Virander paul has been very helpful in building positive relations and helping businesses in the UK.
This seminar was aimed to help UK companies understand and access technology collaboration and manufacturing opportunities in India.
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