According to the Cologne Institute for Economic Research, asylum-seekers may cost Germany around €50 billion ($76bn) by the end of next year.

Shelter, welfare, and integration policies will cost €22bn this year and a further €27.6bn next year.
However, Dr. Merkel disregarded people concerns over rising crime rate and refused to set a cap on refugees because of her unilateral decision to welcome refugee which is leading to migration crisis in Europe and interestingly Angela Merkel is warning European leader for the problem which she invented herself 🙂
Dr. Merkel is also trying to curb basic fundamental right “Freedom of speech” in Germany.
Recently a professor who protested in a most civilized manner is facing the sack just because he interrupted Dr. Merkel’s speech. (Video below got deleted to curb freedom of speech)
Voice of concerns regarding Angela Merkel refugee policy has started coming from other European countries too. Recently French Prime Minister Manuel Valls also warns that Europe’s migration crisis is putting the EU at risk.
The tens of thousands of migrants who continue pouring into Europe threaten the idea of a unified continent, especially when it comes to the passport-free Schengen zone, he added.
Hungarian politicians are protesting against migrants’ invasion in Europe.
Hungarian politicians protesting against invasion! Hungary is the only normal country in Europe + Visegrad group
— Jani (@yueyuea) February 2, 2016
Rating of Angela Merkel has started sliding as according to one poll on twitter by JNewsNetwork 94% people voted for Dr. Merkel to step down.

Chancellor Merkel trying to reassure German voters that most of those granted temporary asylum would eventually leave by giving the example of refugees from the former Yugoslavia.
However, Dr. Merkel statement seems more like a wishful thinking as more than 60% asylum seekers in Germany don’t have any documents and in the absence of the documents, it is virtually impossible to deport anybody.
German people discontent for Dr. Merkel and her government is continuously increasing as the German authorities are dismissing their concern.
#Germany ready 2 erupt!
Migrants harass German School Girls-Mayor dismisses Grandpa: “Don’t provoke them” 1/5— Alt Right (@_AltRight_) February 1, 2016
After the mass sexual assault on women in Cologne on the NYE by refugees, leaflets are distributed in Germany with the explanation in Arabic that getting a traditional carnival kiss on the cheek is not an invitation to sex.
The crime rate by refugees against German women is increasing exponentially. Two days ago in Munich, migrant men were harassing German women and ‘attacked two German pensioners who stood up for the woman’. (Again video against Dr. Merkel was deleted which is basically curbing free speech).
However despite growing crime rate and criticism, as of now, Dr. Merkel refused to put a cap on refugees although German transport minister Alexander Dobrindt has openly criticised Angela Merkel for her irresponsible policy on allowing millions of migrants without any background check.
Polish prime minister Beata Szydlo has also raised concern over Angela Merkel’s policy on immigration.