New Encyclopedia of Buddha’s Teachings & Buddhism Now Available Online for FREE
(London, United Kingdom) – Subodh Gupta, a renowned author, and yoga teacher has just released a concise new encyclopedia of Buddha’s teachings & Buddhism for free, online.
The encyclopedia offers readers a quick and easy way to learn about Buddhism and Buddha’s teachings and stories.
The encyclopedia covers a wide range of topics in a concise and easy-to-understand format, including the life and teachings of Gautama the Buddha, Buddhism, and the different schools and traditions within Buddhism. It also includes brief explanations of key concepts and practices, such as the Four Noble Truths, the Eightfold Path, and Vipassana meditation.
With over 200 videos explanation, the encyclopedia is an accessible resource for anyone interested in Buddhism. It is written by Subodh Gupta, a leading authority on Vipassana, Buddhism, and Hatha Yoga, ensuring the accuracy and depth of its content.
“I am delighted to offer this new encyclopedia to readers for free online,” said Gupta. “Buddhism is a rich and diverse religion with a long history and many different traditions. This encyclopedia provides a concise and easy-to-understand guide to Bhagwan Buddha’s teachings & practices, making it a useful resource for anyone seeking to learn more about Buddhism.”
The encyclopedia can be accessed at https://www.subodhgupta.com/buddha-teachings-quotes-buddhism-in-english/ and is available absolutely free to all users.
About the Author: Subodh Gupta is a well-respected author and yoga teacher based in London with a deep understanding of Vipassana Meditation & Buddha Teachings.
He has dedicated his life to studying and practicing the Buddha’s teachings and has a passion for sharing his knowledge with others. Subodh Gupta is the author of books on Yoga, Weight Loss, Back Pain, and the Art of Breathing for controlling the aging process. He conducts training programs for celebrities and corporate organizations in London.
For more than 200 videos of Buddha Teachings follow https://www.youtube.com/@buddha-teachings