Vodafone increase prices on “fixed” contract

Vodafone talk about clear pricing and being a responsible business. It says on its website: We’re committed to clear and straightforward pricing and marketing – so that customers always know what they’ll pay But Vodafone in the UK is doing exactly opposite to what they claim clear and straightforward. Vodafone UK is again increasing their … Read more

Goldman Sachs bullish on India but earns only 0.25 percent revenue

May 2013: Goldman Sachs remains quite bullish on India for years now started getting a reality check and finding it difficult to do business in the world’s second-fastest-growing economy. BRIC the acronym was coined by Goldman Sachs economist Jim O’Neill in a 2001 paper entitled “Building Better Global Economic BRICs”.  Goldman Sachs argues that the … Read more

Indian Business Culture: Negotiations in India

Think for a moment how many times you negotiate with somebody in one day or within a month in the UK or in any western country? I hardly remember needing to negotiate at anytime during the last 6 years of my stay in London, except while dealing with estate agents. Now guess how many times … Read more

Indian IT services market least profitable

Since last 10 years a lot has been written in the press around the world about the shining India, however, reality is that even now in 2014 Indian IT service market offer very limited opportunity for the western companies. If revenue figures of the top Indian IT companies are to be trusted then the reality … Read more

India heading towards serious food shortage

India will be facing food shortage in the coming years. It will become extremely difficult for India to sustain around 17% of world population (and still rising) on 2.4% of the world’s land area. Agricultural in India is not a profitable sector and peasants are either shifting their profession from being a farmer or committing suicide. … Read more

India Business and Rising Corruption

India offers many opportunities for those who are brave enough to take risk and smart enough to avoid the pitfalls. One of the greatest pitfall while doing business is India is the widespread corruption. None other than the business icon of India, Ratan Tata, chairman of the $67.4 billion conglomerate, voice his frustration, stating that … Read more

Is Sex.com Domain worth $13 Million

Many say sex sells, and that saying seems to be true at least in the case of domain name of Sex.com, which was recently sold for cool $13 million. The domain was put up for auction in July 2010 and was bought by Clover Holdings, a company registered on the Caribbean island of St Vincent, … Read more