Richoux at Piccadilly London celebrated the award-winning book, “In Love with Death” by author Shri Satish K Modi on the 17th of Oct 2016.
Around 80 people attended the event including eminent personalities such as Bollywood star Kabir Bedi, Parveen Dusanj, Shri B K Modi, Dean of Columbia University Carol Baker, Fiona Davidoff, Shri Satish Modi himself and Abha Modi, etc.
Richoux-manager-Ms Magda celebrating the event with guest
Satish-K-Modi-and-Abha-modi at-richoux
The author Satish Modi shared his story about the book and the title in Love with Death stating he happened to meet very elderly holy person from Japan who came with the Japanese prime minister in 2005.
She recognized me from my previous life and she invited me to Tokyo and taken to Kyoto where I was given a huge reception and when I was leaving she said she would communicate with me through dreams but unfortunately she died when she was 102.
The audience seems to have enjoyed the event and appreciated the wise words from the speakers.
Speaking on this occasion Mark Chester Executive director of the Royal Drawing School said about the author Shri S K Modi that “He is the great man of our time”.
Audience at Richoux
Krystyna Szumelukowa at Richoux
Audience at Richoux 3
One of the important message from the author Satish Modi (from his book) is “live meaningful & die peaceful” and it is important to remember that you are here for a limited number of years and not forever.