Sarswati foundation organized event to help underprivileged children

Sarswati foundation bareilly
Sarswati foundation bareilly

Sarswati foundation organized event to help underprivileged children at the Sanskrit Vidhayala school at Tibri Nath Mandir, Bareilly on 18th of November 2018.

Sarswati foundation bareilly Dr Swati Agarwal
Sarswati foundation in bareilly by Dr Swati Agarwal


Dr Swati Agarwal founder of Sarswati foundation in Bareilly is a Gynacologist & also run a medical facility with her husband Dr Praveen Agarwal who is orthopedic surgeon.

Dr Swati always felt that education should be every single children right. Unfortunately with the rising school fees and associated education cost underpriviledged kids often missed education and Dr. Swati made it a mission to help educate poor children and hence this foundation.

Anil Agarwal helping Sarswati Foundation Bareilly
Anil Agarwal helping Sarswati Foundation Bareilly

Currently Sarswati foundation has 26 members and Mr Anil Agarwal was the first member to join and help this foundation and also shared his veiws on this ocassion.

Members Sarswati Foundation Bareilly
Members Sarswati Foundation Bareilly

On this ocassion current and future initiative of the foundation were discussed and new members were welcomed and helping members also shared their views and motivates young kids.

Currently more than 80 children fee is fully paid by this trust and children were also presented with gift and stationary to motivate them.

Kids and Members Sarswati Foundation Bareilly
Kinds & Members Sarswati Foundation Bareilly

Members Sarswati Foundation Bareilly
Members Sarswati Foundation Bareilly


Members Sarswati foundation
Members Sarswati foundation
Members Sarswati Foundation Bareilly
Members Sarswati Foundation Bareilly