Leona Mani, the founder of The Good Place hosted an anti-aging event along with the health and beauty nutritionist Karen Cummings-Palmer and makeup expert Paul Marsh at the Chelsea Manor street London, today.
Karen Cummings-Palmer Nutritionist at The Good Place
Karen Cummings-Palmer 46 shared her secrets with the audience on how to stay young effortlessly. Karen emphasized the benefits of eating whole unprocessed food, especially the food which is grown nearby area.
She suggested to move the body or do some exercise such as yoga or pilates. She also shared her own exercise routine. She explained how her trainer suggested her to do exercise over 50 percent which is at least 3 days a week. Karen said I exercise around 10 min but at least 5 or 6 days a week.
Karen mentioned that she had issues with her skin in the past and suggested to incorporate anti-inflammatory food, omega 3, fish in the daily routine.
Participants also get the opportunity to taste her supertonic to boost energy level which contains, anti-viral ginger, aloe verox medicinal and E3 shot.
For those who are very busy or hardly have any time to eat healthy, ” Karen suggested throw microwave but embrace freezer, have peas, tuna, in freezer.
Have herbs and spices in cupboard. With peas u can quickly make food with spices and herbs along with tomato.
She added, “Avoid carbohydrates in evening after 7 o clock, coconut milk great for metabolizing fat but coconut milk must be organic version”.
Paul Marsh Makeup expert at The Good Place
Make up expert, Paul Marsh shared very important observation that, “although many cosmetics are tested but cocktail of cosmetics used by women are not tested as average person can easily ended up having around 16 chemicals on her face daily”.
He also added, “most young 20 years old one’s don’t need cosmetics or makeup and even as you age it is important to remember that less is more”. He also mentioned that Serum and Moisture must be there in beauty makeup.
Leona Mani, Paul Marsh, Karen Cummings-Palmer at The Good Place Chelsea
Speaking on this occasion, the organizer Leona Mani said, “The objective of The Good Place is to bring people together, providing people space for sharing good things/knowledge, whether healthy living or talking about helping artisan communities around the world”.
Molly holt
Molly holt, participant commented, “it was very insightful and different approach and in fact practical approach and I really enjoyed it”.