Journalism News Network (@jnewsnetwork) has released the 4th episode “What Western Women Think about Indian Men” in its ongoing funny web series “What Women Want“.
Even the world-renowned psychologist such as Sigmund Freud found himself confused when tried to figure out women’s mind as he said once “I have not yet been able to answer, despite my thirty years of research into the feminine soul, is ‘What does a woman want?”
Journalism News Network has made an effort to solve the mystery in a funny and entertaining new web series “what women want” to demystify the women mind.
The fourth episode explores Western women views on Indian men.
Indian’s generally seems to have mixed feelings about western people. There also seems to be a new trend where Indian women, seemingly preferring western men nowadays.
But in this episode, it is explored if western women like or prefer Indian men?
Many western women on the social forums expressed their feeling that Indian men often ask uncomfortable personal questions in simple conversation, but is it true? Do Western women want to date Indian men? or Do Indian men are perceived as family men who are good at cooking? Another funny episode just released “How to make a woman happy or your girlfriend happy“.
To understand this aspect of western women mind better @jnewsnetwork interviewed western girls/women in London & Paris to see their reaction what they think about Indian men.
To watch funny reactions watch the video and let us know in comments what do you think?
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