Global health organizations such as WHO World Health Organization & CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are giving confusing and conflicting advice to the public about the safe distance which one should maintain to protect oneself from Coronavirus COVID 19.
For example, if we look at the WHO recommendation to maintain safe, it says one must maintain a 1-meter distance between oneself and others, however, if you look at the CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommendation to protect oneself, CDC says distance should be 6 feet which is around 1.8 meters.

Now, this leads to confusion as both WHO and CDC are world-renowned authorities on the matter of health and both do research and make recommendations on the basis of facts and evidence so how come for one coronavirus they have conflicting results which is confusing to the public.
If both organizations are doing scientific research which is fact-based, so how come CDC find out safe distance 1.8 meters and WHO find out 1 meter, different results for the same virus?
And if this was not enough I noticed WHO itself changes its own statement on safe distance as one report it says 1 meter and in another report, it mentioned 1.5 meters?

My point is are WHO and CDC giving information based on evidence? or do they have any evidence before giving any recommendation? What do you think, let us know your views below?
The reason I have raised this point is because millions of Travel and other businesses are closed right now all over the globe and millions of people have already lost their jobs and went into poverty and mental stress because they are following WHO guidelines of safe distance to protect themselves and they do believe all WHO giving advice on evidence but if they are advising on evidence than how come their recommendation is different and changing?