Why Trump’s leadership & handling of coronavirus crisis is best so far.
One of the best ways to identify a true leader is to see how one handles the crisis situation and COVID 19 crisis confirmed that President Trump is truly a world leader as not only he is decisive but also visionary and a man of action.
Travel Ban from infected City
(1)Trump was perhaps the first world leader who immediately banned the travel from China which was a perfectly sensible decision (even within China one can spot that Virus hardly spread to any of the main Chinese city as authorities restricted the travel within) & at the same time allowing helping the US citizens to come back to America thereby prevented the spread and saves many lives despite WHO was suggesting at the time not to impose a ban on travel from China.
Excess Ventilators
(2) Trump not only arranged the ventilators at the short notice and but also in excess so almost anybody who needs ventilators can have it at their disposal and now helping the Indian community by donating it to India.
10 Millions of Coronavirus testing
(3) The USA under Trump leadership became the only country in the world which has done 10 million COVID 19 test which again shows that Trump is a man of action and care for its citizens. The number of tests for coronavirus in the US is more than 3 times any other country has done so far.
50 Percent less death rate
(4) Now there are some confused “experts” who are repeating rhetoric that the USA had a very high death rate. Actually either they are clueless and don’t see or don’t want you to see that the actual death rate in America is much lesser than many of the counties in Europe.
For example, in the UK population is roughly 66 million and total Coronavirus deaths are around 33000 and if we take that benchmark, the USA’s death could have been around 165000 but in actual total death in the US is around 80,000 which is less than half or 50% less.
Also one needs to consider that there is a high likelihood that the numbers around 80,000 deaths in the USA because of the Coronavirus are also inflated because of the way it is counted.
Trump’s coherent national plan & vision
The countries which have gone for lockdown after taking WHO and associated scientific community guidelines into consideration on COVID 19 crisis are facing economic disaster as millions of people have lost their jobs and stock markets have crashed across the world but the scientific community is still not sure if there will ever be a 100 percent foolproof solution for coronavirus cure by the vaccine in the future.
For example, White House health advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci told Congress that even once a vaccine to fight the coronavirus is developed, “There’s no guarantee that the vaccine is actually going to be effective.” So why exactly WHO and scientific community waiting for vaccines?
Besides, WHO/CDC and other scientific bodies don’t look sure of themselves and their advice to protect against coronavirus seems confusing even on simpler guidelines such as safe distance. WHO, CDC, and the UK government seem to be giving different advice on the safe distance.
For example, now WHO recommends safe distance one must maintain is 1-meter between oneself and others but last month it suggested 1.5 meters. The USA, CDC suggested 1.8 meters but the UK government advises 2 meters. So the further question is raised if they have factual evidence of safe distance then why their advice is different? The bigger question is if a safe distance is needed at all or the virus can be fought back by building strong immunity within oneself?
(5) Trump has a clear vision for America which is to Make America Great Again and puts American citizens first, safety for its citizens which he has demonstrated on numerous occasions. Now the country can’t be made great with mass unemployment which will actually lead to the great depression.
So Trump is rightly leading the country by opening its economy as he rightly said that the cure shouldn’t be worse than the disease itself. Besides Sweden has shown to the world that it’s not necessary to listen to the fearful rhetoric by “experts” and country can come out of the crisis without closing the economy.
For securing jobs for US citizens, he rightly banned immigration so citizens should get the job opportunity first. Trump is also on a mission to bring jobs back to America which previous US administration knowingly allowed to go to other countries.
For keeping crime under control in the US, the president is also deporting illegals out of the country, which all makes perfect sense.
Now in this difficult time, the decision is left to the US citizens, who they trust more to get them out of mass unemployment because of COVID 19 crisis. An entrepreneur who has experience of running a large number of enterprises for decades or those politicians who are only good at giving lectures to others? The choice is always yours!!!