Indian pride and national carrier Air India is performing dismally and customers are suffering, however, CMD Shri Pradeep Singh ji still silent. Do Air India top management care about its customer or is it run like a sick PSU?
If we go by the customer satisfaction rating it seems Air India is totally mismanaged. Just a quick look at the consumer affairs website reflect how badly Air India customers are suffering in total oblivion.
Air India reviews at Consumer affairs website
Based on 194 reviews Air India satisfaction rating is absolutely worse which is 1 out of 5 stars and it is 1 rating because perhaps the rating system can’t show any less.
Journalism News Network has also reviewed and find Air India management unprofessional as not only customers complaint fell on deaf ears but on several occasion, unhygienic food was served with Lizard and Cockroaches was served.
In addition, the terms of changing flights were not clearly mentioned at the point of sales either by Air India or their Travel agent Ticketstoindia.co.uk and ticketstoindia.com which leads to unnecessary hassle and waste of time and money as customer’s end.
Recently one of the cases has been highlighted by Journalism News Network where a customer with the Ticket No: 098 5117349963 – H8T2F booked his return ticket from London to Delhi and after receiving the news of sudden ill health of his mother decided to prepone his visit.
The passenger couldn’t get through Air India contact number and hence ended up buying a different airline ticket in an emergency to Delhi. The passenger after reaching India informed and confirmed both on social media and also via email to Air India customer support more than 50 hours in advance that he can’t use his scheduled departure 7th Jan London to Delhi flight since he has already flown on the 3rd Jan and he will use his return ticket on 25th Jan 2018 as scheduled.
Air India customer support delayed the response and informed customer to contact other Air India department on 7th Jan and other department informed on 9th Jan because he didn’t cancel the ticket 12 hours in advance he would be considered as no-show and what was more shocking that customer won’t be allowed to board his return scheduled flight even though he has paid for it as this was Air India policy.
Well if this was such an important policy where customers can lose all his money then shouldn’t this be clearly stated by their travel agent or should be mentioned clearly both by Air India and its agent???
My luggage was misplaced by AirIndia while coming from US .After constant complaining I got it after 5 days with broken bag & expensive stuffs missg. It’s 15days now I hv done FIR ,consumer complaint & lots of emails to AirIndia. All I got is ZERO response #airindia @airindiain .
— Prachi Sharma (@prachii2506) December 28, 2017
Not only both Air India and its agent failed to explain such important terms at the point of sales but their dishonest travel agent ticketstoindia went one step ahead and change the terms and tried to mislead customer stating that the terms were already there without realizing customer already have collected evidence of travel agent dishonest practice.
Air India treating customers complaints in an Unprofessional, Unfair and Unethical way with unhygienic food where Lizard and Cockroaches were found. https://t.co/agBpqcL9Fy @airindiain @jayantsinha #airindia #airindiacomplaint pic.twitter.com/qDQ9yhnY8b
— Journalism News Ntwk (@jnewsnetwork) January 13, 2018
Ticketoindia.co.uk not only hide such important terms but their management team at Acetrip Ltd has been unresponsive when complaints and discrepancies were raised with them and their customer support non transparent as they didn’t reveal so far what is the base fare and what taxes are refundable and AI customer on verge of losing all his ticket money because of unethical travel agent and unprofessional Air India team.
What is even worse that Air India don’t think it’s important to take action against their dishonest travel agent Ticletstoindia.co.uk who change the terms after selling the ticket when discrepancies were highlighted, despite reporting this matter to Air India CMD Shri Pradeep Singh. Review of dishonest travel agent Tickets to India www.TicketstoIndia.co.uk.
If Air India CMD won’t bother to take care of customers concern than who will and will Air India survive like this for long? Will the concern Air India official would look into this?
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